Wednesday, January 17, 2018

The Problems of Publication Bias

Experiments fail. Money and resources are wasted. Time is lost. In today’s scientific climate, negative results, or non-significant results, are synonymous with failure. Spending months to years pushing through an experiment to end up with a non-significant p-value for a hypothesis is discouraging. There is a pressure and bias towards publishing positive findings, and withholding negative results.

Publication bias occurs when the “probability that a study is published depends on the statistical significance of its results”. Studies estimate that positive results are three times more likely to be published than negative results. This bias exists on multiple levels. Groups with negative results are less likely to submit to journals for publications, assuming the negative outcomes are a mistake on their part, or that no one is interested in reading about negative results. At a peer review level, scientists are more likely to question the quality of science that is occurring when negative results are obtained, especially if the results oppose ‘common knowledge’ in the field. At a publishing level, journals, particularly ‘high-impact’ journals, want to publish groundbreaking research, which may come at the expense reproducibility or other measures of good science. At this point, negative findings, despite the quality of the science behind them, do not attract publishers. Publication bias skews the literature, results in a waste of time and money, and inhibits the potential of knowledge that may be obtained from research.

When classmates casually comment that a study “contains no negative results, so it deserves to be in *insert high-impact journal,” the magnitude of this bias is clear (I also clearly have an issue with ‘high-impact’ journals). The quality of science should not be based solely on results obtained. As scientists, we should be driven to find answers to questions, without automatically discounting and discarding negative results. Scientists, peer reviewers, and publishers need to take a step back, become aware of these biases, and reevaluate the impact negative results can add to the field.

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